
Feeling isolated? Connect with fellow Entrepreneurs and Business Owners like yourself.

Benefits of Joining an Entrepreneur Team
Challenge: On an Island
Acumen Advantage: Join a trusted space where you can connect, share experiences, and receive support from fellow leaders, and Acumen Growth Catalyst breaking the isolation of leadership.

Challenge: Decision Making Fatigue
Acumen Advantage: Gain fresh perspectives and critical insights from a diverse group of experienced peers, helping you make more informed and confident decisions.

Challenge: Navigating Growth and Scale
Acumen Advantage: Access collective wisdom and proven strategies from leaders who have successfully navigated similar challenges, enabling you to scale your business effectively.

Challenge: Accountability and Focus
Acumen Advantage: Regular meetings with your team help you stay accountable, ensuring that commitments are met and goals are pursued diligently. This continuous support keeps you on track and motivated to achieve your objectives.

Challenge: Harmonizing Work and Life
Acumen Advantage: Learn from others how to achieve a healthier work-life harmony, drawing on practical advice and support from peers who understand the demands of marriage, kids, leadership, and life.

Challenge: Staying Ahead in a Rapidly Changing Market
Acumen Advantage: Stay informed about the latest trends and best practices, ensuring your business remains competitive and innovative.

Challenge: Financial Performance
Acumen Advantage: Improve financial stewardship and performance through strategic advice and accountability provided by your peer advisory team.

Challenge: Building a Legacy and Impact
Acumen Advantage: Harness your company’s potential to create significant community impact by learning and coming alongside others in the Acumen community. Challenge the status quo on how you can drive positive change in your organization and communities, aligning business and personal success with lasting impact.

Membership Overview

We understand the isolation that can come with owning a business. Acumen offers you the opportunity to connect with peers who share similar experiences and challenges. All activities represent less than 4% of your monthly work hours. Join us to build a supportive community of like-minded individuals navigating the journey at the top. 


Half day, monthly council meetings with your peer team for sharing, and receiving insights and advice

Coaching (Add On)

Monthly, one-hour, one-on-one coaching sessions with a Growth Catalyst

Advance Leadership Workshop

Quarterly all community advance workshops with industry leaders to “sharpen and inspire”


Annual outbound “off the grid” adventure experience to connect and build relationships

Member Testimonials

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This community is full of passionate leaders who are not only smart at helping me do business better....but they are helping me actually become a better leader.

Mike Farag
CEO + Chief Strategy Officer, Fervor Marketing
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The ROI for me and my business has been tremendous. Our firm continues to grow at record levels and the wisdom and insight provided by my fellow advisors has been a catalyst for not only our growth, but my maturity and effectiveness as a leader.

Dustin Doll
CEO, Accord Group
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